Recorded Worship on Youtube

Bert’s Reflection

My name is Bert Fonseca, a long-term member of this church community, a mere 31

years compared to some of the people I know. What I have to say is a reflection on

today’s theme which is “New Beginnings”.

We picked this theme because of what has happened to our church over the last few

years and us having to make decisions on where we go from here. We’ve been very

fortunate to have involved Board members who have recognized the writing on the wall,

have taken their jobs seriously and made responsible recommendations based on well

researched information. What they do is impressive and a clear sign of good, well

intentioned and successful teamwork. We are very fortunate to have them at this

moment in our church history. A big thank you to them! Other United churches in

Oakville have not been as proactive.

Today’s reading says ‘I saw a new heavens and a new earth, the former heaven and earth

had passed away”.

It occurs to me that we as a church community are at a crossroads and must make

decisions much like that of immigrants to a new country.

Now it is safe to say that all of you out there are at least descendants of immigrants. It

was either you, your parents or ancestors who made decisions to come to this great

country and you would not be here if it weren’t for those decisions.

I myself am an immigrant who made the choice 57 years ago to migrate to Canada from

my birth country of India. I was not a refugee, not persecuted or seeking a place of

refuge but was looking for a better future, one with access to greater opportunities and


I did not know too much about this new country and what I would experience, what

would actually be the end result of my plan to move here but I had an open mind,

knowing there would be big changes and a need to accept them. When I look back, I

have experienced some difficulties along the way, as anyone would have, these made

me annoyed and dissatisfied at times, but I am by far, very pleased with my decision to

do so.

I took a different direction at a crossroads in my life and ended up here today, to tell you

about it!

My point is that as a church community, we are at a similar crossroad where we must

continue to have open minds and take chances on a future that is not crystal clear.

Another part of today reading says “and the One who is seated on the throne said, see, I

am making all things new.”

I say to you now “We must put in the effort to accept change, look positively at what lies

ahead and make an educated guess for our New Beginnings”.

tracy chippendale